Our Clinic +Â COVID-19
Prioritizing your health and safety is important to us.
At the Victoria East Medical Clinic, we care about our patients and their safety. During this time we’ve made changes to how our clinic operates. Services that we provide to our patients are being modified to balance and maintain patient and staff safety with healthcare accessibility.

What we're doing to keep patients safe
The residents of Saskatchewan have done well with hand-washing and physical-distancing, which is why our province is able to gradually re-expand in-person health care services. Patients will be offered either virtual or in person appointments. Medical grade masks are to be worn by those experiencing respiratory symptoms. To avoid crowding, we ask that non essential family members wait in their vehicle. We are limiting numbers of patients in our waiting room therefor we ask patients to come in at their appointment time and no earlier.
Afterhours Clinic
The afterhours clinic is open Monday-Friday 5pm-9pm, Sat/Sun/Holidays 9am-5pm.
Registration is done over the phone. During the week, clinic patients may call and register at 4:30pm, non-clinic patients may call and register at 4:45pm. Every patient entering our clinic experiencing respiratory symptoms are to wear a mask. For up to date wait times and hours check Medimap.ca, or call us at (306) 789-4677.
Safety Precautions
We have committed ourselves to sanitizing our clinic more often and more thoroughly. We regularly receive updates on the latest news, information, and recommendations on COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses so that we can stay current and informed with how to best protect our staff, physicians, and patients.

Don't stress, test!
Please check the Saskatchewan.ca website for the most up to date testing recommendations, criteria, and where to access home rapid testing kits. If you are experiencing any symptoms or have been exposed to COVID 19, protect others by testing. Patients can call 811 with any questions.
Helpful Links
Saskatchewan Government website for information on the COVID-19 vaccine, guidelines and screening tools:
Testing information: